Browse Villa Park real estate and discover the Villa Park homes for sale, recently sold, housing composition, income, schools, crime, zoning, community features and more.
Villa Park, CA (zip code 92861) has an area of only 2.1 square miles (about 1,300 acres) and is about 99% developed with single-family homes, most of which were built more than 30 years ago. Only a handful of vacant lots remain, which are suitable only for low-density development due to topography and access issues. With the exception of one commercial center of approximately 10 acres, the City is zoned entirely for single-family residences with few rental properties and no multi-family properties. The virtual non-existence of vacant sub-dividable residential land combined with a high demand for such development keeps land costs high.
Real Estate Resources
- Recently Sold Homes
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- Home Value History
- Home Video Tours
- Municipal Code for Zoning – Familiarize yourself with Villa Park’s zoning
- Neighborhoods
- Orange County Conforming Loan Limits
- Street Name List & Meanings
- Short Term Rentals
- Large lots in Orange County
- Villa Park zoning map
- Villa Park parcel map by lot size
- Should We Get Home Solar Panels?
- Determine if a house is in a FEMA flood zone
- Villa Park Fire Hazard Safety Zones (FHSZ) Map
Get to know Villa Park
- 10 reasons to move to Villa Park
- About Villa Park
- Cool Features in Villa Park Homes
- Crime
- Fiscal Health (California State Auditor)
- Fun Facts About Villa Park
- History of Villa Park
- Map & Directions
- Schools
- Taxes in Villa Park
- Things to Do in Villa Park
- The Hidden Jewel – Villa Park’s magazine
Villa Park Features
- Paved trail systems for walking, jogging, biking, etc.
- One Town Center with retail services, restaurants, banks, post office, library, City Hall, community center for gathering and socializing.
- Natural (unpaved) trail systems for hiking, walking, and horseback riding.
- No HOA or Mello Roos, no multi-family units, very few rentals.
- Small town feel with close proximity to city life.
- Low crime rate, great neighborhood watch, and a high proportion of residences with security cameras.
- Villa Park is also known for its highly rated schools with great parent participation. From Villa Park High School and Cerro Villa Middle School to Villa Park Elementary and Serrano Elementary.
- Beautiful neighborhood with meticulously well kept homes.
- Distinctive homes, spacious lots with many amazing features.
- Strong community with many annual events such as the Dry Land Boat Parade, HalloweenFest, 4th of July Parade, Concerts in the (Villa) Park and much more.
- Great resale value. A highly desirable city to live in and with less than 2,000 homes available houses for sale is scarce.
- Median home prices in the top 95% of California.
- The northeast hills of Villa Park is unofficially called Cerro Villa Heights.
Villa Park Household Composition
According to the 2010 Census, husband/wife families represented 77% of Villa Park households compared to 54% for the County as a whole. About 11% of Villa Park households were persons living alone– a much smaller proportion than the entire County with 21%. Nearly half of all households in the city included someone 65 years of age and older, compared to just 25% for Orange County. The average household size for the City was very similar to Orange County as a whole (2.92persons compared to 2.99 for the County).
Housing units in Villa Park are predominantly owner-occupied, with only 4% rentals compared to 56% rental units for Orange County as a whole. The 2010 Census reported the overall vacancy rate in the city as only 2% compared to 5% for Orange County.
Villa Park Household Income
Household income is a primary factor affecting housing needs in a community –the ability of residents to afford housing is directly related to household income. According to recent Census data, the median household income in Villa Park was more than $150,000, which was about twice the Orange County median income of about $76,000.
Housing Conditions
According to Census estimates, about two-thirds of the housing supply in Villa Park has been built since 1970. Considering the high home values and community pride of ownership in the city, substandard housing conditions are uncommon.
Villa Park Age of Housing
Year Built | Units | % |
Built 2010 or later | 0 | 0% |
Built 2000 to 2009 | 84 | 4% |
Built 1990 to 1999 | 106 | 5% |
Built 1980 to 1989 | 174 | 9% |
Built 1970 to 1979 | 937 | 47% |
Built 1960 to 1969 | 470 | 24% |
Built 1950 to 1959 | 159 | 8% |
Built 1940 to 1949 | 23 | 1% |
Built 1939 or earlier | 47 | 2% |
Total units | 2000 | 100% |
Source: 2010 Census Data
Villa Park City Zoning
The north, central and easterly portions of the City are entirely zoned for 20,000-square-foot small estate lots. There is a transitional zone for the City with a small westerly section zoned for 8,000 square foot lots at a density of not more than three residences per acre, adjacent to a 12,000 square foot zone with a density of 2.5 residences per acre. This provides a gradual transition into the 20,000 square foot small estate zone with a density of 1.75 units per acre. Along the westerly City border, there are approximately 79 acres zoned three dwelling units per acre. Adjacent to this section, on the easterly side of the zone, there are approximately 57 acres with a density of 2.5 dwelling units per acre. These two zones establish a gradual transition from the City of Orange into the 1.75 density small estate zone.
Site Improvement Requirements
Most cities require site improvements as a part of the normal development process. As land is subdivided and built upon, the City requires improvement of adjacent streets, curbs and gutters, street trees, and other related infrastructure. In keeping with the rural character of the area, no street lights are required and sidewalks are avoided. The improvements required by the City are permitted by State law and are necessary for assuring public health and safety.
Due to the fact that there is very little vacant land within Villa Park and the majority of the existing housing stock is less than 40 years old, development activity in the City is not extensive and primarily involves remodeling of existing single-family dwellings, in-fill development, and construction of second units. All development applications, including second units, are ministerially reviewed by the City’s Planning, Building, and Engineering Departments unless a modification to development standards is requested. Most development applications are processed completely within two months.
Villa Park Horse Property
Villa Park is a horse friendly community with horse trails located throughout the city. Horses and all equine animals are permitted for recreational purposes on any lots greater than 10,000 square feet of land area. The number of equine that can be kept per property is as follows:
- 10,000—14,000 square feet – 2 horses
- 15,000—24,000 square feet – 3 horses
- 25,000—34,999 square feet – 4 horses
- 35,000—44,999 square feet – 5 horses
- Over 45,000 square feet – 6 horses
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