The Villa Park Business Spotlight showcases local businesses and fosters pride in Villa Park’s thriving business community. The Business Spotlight is a free business recognition program designed to create awareness about the variety of local businesses. The series provides for a great opportunity for local businesses to provide some unique information about what makes their business a great addition to the community.
Featured Business Spotlights:
- Bagel Me!
- First Class Pizza (now Buccaneer Pizza)
- Gary Buckels – Pitching Coach
- Pure Skin & Body
- The Strength Co.
If you would like to see your business featured in a Business Spotlight, Contact Us.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Biz Spotlight piece?
A Small Biz Spotlight article is editorial coverage of a business or owner, offering insight and inspiration about Villa Park area business.
What businesses are eligible?
Featured businesses or owners must be located in Villa Park or provide direct sales or services to Villa Park residents or have a positive impact on the Villa Park community. No guarantee can be made that a business will be featured in the Business Spotlight.
How do you decide which businesses to spotlight?
Contact Us and briefly tell about how your business qualifies. Then we will contact you either via email or phone.
What about images and video?
Images and video can make all the difference. Images are part of the content. The best images for a Spotlight are spontaneous — the kind of image you’d upload to Facebook or Twitter. We’re looking for images of your business, products or services. Team photos, behind-the-scenes images, a shot of people in T-shirts with your company logo on it, at work etc.
Is there a fee to get a spotlight?
Absolutely not! All spotlights are free editorial coverage.
How do I submit my business for a Spotlight?
It’s easy, Contact Us.
What to include?
- Include: Name of business; all locations; phone, website.
Possible questions to address in the article:
- How long have you been in business?
- What is the history of the business?
- Who are the owners, founders?
- What motivated them to start this business?
- What product/service do you offer?
- What is different about your business?
- Why should our readers use your services/products?
- Any community involvement in Villa Park?
See Business Spotlight examples.
Write the news item as a journalist would – in the third person. First person statements will be edited to reflect a third person perspective.
Include a photo or artwork to complement your news item. If you use a digital camera, set the image size on the highest number to take the best photo possible.