See and report coyote sightings and attacks on Google Maps in the Villa Park area and any other predators such as mountain lions and snakes.
Click on this symbol on map above to see details of coyote incidents and on click on each marker.
Contact us if you’d like to add an incident to this map.
Recent Villa Park Coyote Sightings & Other Predators
6/22/22 – Coyote spotted running down Santiago past Sterling Ave and then up Ludwig at 10 pm.
1/2/22 – Coyote sighted at 10am at Lemon and Carmel drive.
10/11/21 – 2 coyotes jumped several walls to get into a backyard at 7:30 am on Pamela Pl.
9/21/21 – A coyote was recorded in a backyard at 5:30 am and 11:45 pm on Lemon near Mesa.
9/17/21 – A rattlesnake found its way through a wrought iron fence and into a pool equipment area at El Rito and Cerro Villa Dr.
8/1/21 – Dead coyote pup found off Cannon and Mesa. Most likely hit by car.
5/6/21 – A coyote was caught on camera in a backyard at 5:15 am and 11:45 pm on Lemon near Mesa.
1/4/21 – 2 coyotes walking down Harding St ( cross streets Katella and Wanda) in Orange/ Villa Park area.
8/25/20 – 2 Coyotes spotted at 6:15 am, walking north on Lemon and turning onto Durfee.
8/14/20 – Coyote attempted to jump into a bedroom window and then began clawing and jumping at a front window in an attempt to get a cat. Stratford Circle in the morning.
8/10/20 – At about 2 PM, there were 3 to 4 coyotes that leapt over a backyard fence and into a neighbors fence after attacking an animal. It was broad daylight and there was a group of them.
6/16/20 – Coyote spotted resting in a backyard on 5 Estates drive.
3/11/2020 – Large coyote in a front yard on Jocotal Ave around 5:30 pm.
1/25/2020 – Three large coyotes on the corner of center and Lincoln at 11:50 pm.
1/17/2020 – Large healthy coyote at Cerro Villa Middle School at 9:25 pm.
12/10/2019 – 7:30am two large healthy looking coyotes on Lemon and Jocotal. They were chased away and headed West bound on Jocotal.
12/09/2019 – Coyote spotted while dogs were being walked on Jocotal.
12/4/2019 – Pack of 4 Coyotes near Lemon and Taft around 10 pm.
10/24/2019 – Coyote chased away around 1:30 am at Center and Villa Park Rd.
10/23/2019 – Two coyotes spotted in front of a home Center and Windsor terrorizing a dog around 11 pm.
10/23/2019 – At about 10:25 PM a dog came face to face (with a fence in between) with a coyote in the backyard of a Patrician home that backs up to the reservoir. The dog was not harmed.
10/17/2019 – Very large, well-fed coyote trotting east on Lincoln this morning at 6:50am (Villa Park, Lincoln and Hastings).
10/17/2019 – Coyote trio sighted on Villa Park Rd and Center across from VPE at 3 am.
9/9/2019 – Large coyote was followed woman and an 85 lb lab around 6:30 am. Lincoln and Providence, Villa Park.
8/22/2019 – A coyote was heading down Cerro Villa towards Center around 8:45 pm.
8/14/2019 – A coyote was spotted at Lincoln and Center by VPE in the morning.
7/29/2019 – 2 coyotes spotted on Center and Serrano at around 10 pm.
7/1/2019 – Pack of 2-3 coyotes have been seen over the past few days near Villa Park Elementary. Specifically, near Lincoln and Wulff.
6/29/2019 – Three coyotes were seen looking around several houses on El Rito and El Morro at 1 am.
6/5/2019 – An adolescent coyote was spotted in front of a home where Center turns into Valley at approximately 7:45 PM.
6/2/2019 – A coyote was running down Lincoln St. from Wanda headed east. He turned down Potter Cir.
5/25/2019 – Spotted a rather large healthy looking coyote on Leatrice at around 6:30 pm.
5/20/2019 – On Edgewood Ave. at 5 am four coyotes were in a front yard, they were chased off and jumped over a fence to flee.
5/10/2019 – Coyote spotted in backyard most likely due to the presence of many rabbits. Coyotes are reported to be spotted off Mesa Dr in between Cannon and Lemon regularly.
5/3/2019 – A small coyote we trotting up Center from Santiago headed towards Taft at 6 am.
4/17/2019 – 2 large coyotes spotted on Canyon Dr at 8:00 pm.
4/5/2019 – 2 coyotes trotting up El Rito towards Cerro Villa Dr at 6:25 am.
3/21/2019 – Lone coyote running up Cerro Villa on the Orange side of the street at 5:45 am.
3/17/2019 – Around 5 pm a Coyote was walking across Cannon near Serrano going towards Villa Park.
3/10/2019 – At 9:21 pm between Hewes and Lemon several coyotes were lurking outside a backyard where a dog was let out to go to the bathroom. The coyotes stayed in the area for a good hour even after the dog went inside.
3/2/2019 – Huge coyote in front yard around 12:30 am. Suspected to be stalking a puppy. A blow horn chased it lazily away.
2/14/19 – Coyote was on front lawn shortly before midnight. Again, appears to be same limping coyote.
2/13/19 – Coyote spotted on El Moro. Appears to be same limping coyote seen on 2/2/19.
2/13/19 – @ 11:00 am coyote on James stared at people with two big dog walking by.
2/10/2019 – Single coyote, medium sized, crossing Wanda at Santiago at 10:05 pm. It did use the crosswalk…
2/8/2019 – Three coyotes running up Valley at 11 am.
2/3/2019 – Two coyotes sleeping in a backyard under a structure around 8:00 am. They did not run, slowly walked and jumped fence and then came back.
2/2/2019 – @ 9:40pm. Santiago & Sycamore. Coyote spotted in backyard. It disappeared into backyard probably jumped over the fence.
2/2/2019 – At 3:30 pm a coyote was spotted at Cerro Villa Junior High and Serrano (near the bike stands).
2/2/2019 – Coyote spotted running down El Moro towards El Rito at 10:30 am. The coyote appeared to be injured and using only three legs however health enough to jump a fence into a backyard. The coyote was in the area for a while and spotted again an hour later.
1/30/2019 – At 8:30 am there was a coyote on Lemon just before Taft on the walking/horse trail.
1/30/2019 – At 7:30 am there were 3 big, healthy coyotes spotted on Lincoln and Wulff.
1/25/2019 – At Valley and Hazel at 7:00 pm 3 coyotes started walking towards a woman and her 75 lb dog. The woman and her dog retreated to a nearby neighbors hours and the coyotes appeared to stop following.
1/23/2019 – 4 coyotes at El Rito and Cerro Villa around 7:45 pm. Very nearby howling and yipping could be heard a short time later.
1/19/2019 – Two coyotes come into a yard at 2am. There was a fully enclosed chicken coop however they were able to rip the nesting box door with a lock and latch from it’s hinges and get to some of the chickens.
1/16/2019 – Coyote sighting at Ridgeview and Crestview around 9 am.
1/14/2019 – Two fairly good sized coyotes at the end of a driveway around 7:00pm. Lincoln Cir. and Orangegrove Cir. near the reservoir.
1/13/2019 – 2 Coyotes on Adams Ranch road near the reservoir. One of them is as big as a German Shepherd.
1/12/2019 – Pack of 4 Coyotes traveling on center and villa park blvd. They went in and out front yards on center.
1/8/2019 – At 10pm 3 small coyotes were spotted in the bushes on the corner of Lincoln and Beardsley in Villa Park. They came out of the bushes and made their way down the street to the west, crossing the neighbors’ lawns towards Wanda.
1/6/2019 – Baby coyote seen headed west on Taft by Ludwig.
12/31/2018 – Coyote ringing in the new year at Bishop and Santiago at 8 pm.
12/29/2018 – Coyote at Mesa and Valley at 7:15 pm.
12/18/2018 – Coyote on a front porch at 8 pm, 12/18 @Santiago and Prado Woods.
12/07/1018 – 10 PM 2 coyotes walking west on Serrano off of Center.
12/3-8/2018 – Twice during this week there have been least one, sometimes two coyotes between 6am-7am. Modoc/Brookside area.
12/03/2018 – At 4:30 PM a coyote in the same spot as the previous night on Lincoln and Wanda. Ground surfing for nibbles. A young one.
12/03/2018 – Coyote spotted in a backyard with a bunny in his mouth. He jumped my wall and met up with two more on the main road. All three coyotes were big and looked well fed. Loma/El Rito/Cerro Villa/El Morro area.
12/2/2018 – At 7:40 pm a lone coyote on Santiago and Hoover on the Villa park side (Wanda across from Hoover) on the grassy area next to the trail. He was eating a pine cone and unfazed by honking.
11/30/2018 – Coyote on Katella and North Harding in the afternoon.
11/29/2018 – At approximately 10:30 pm a large coyote was spotted in a back yard on Phelan Dr off Center and Windsor and hopped over a fence into Villa Park High School.
11/27/2018 – At 4:16 pm a coyote was attempting to cross Wanda at Villa Park Rd/Katella.
11/26/2018 – Pack of 3 coyotes at Villa Park High School 4:51am in the morning.
11/22/2018 & 11/23/2018 – 2 very large coyotes for the 2nd night in a row at 8-9pm running down James and Center in Villa Park.
11/20/2018 – Large coyote on Cerro Villa Dr at El Rito at 6:30 pm.
11/17/2018 – Driver almost hit a large coyote across Lemon, just north of Serrano at 10:45 pm.
11/15/2018 – At around 9 am coyotes chased and man his dog down Center and Windsor.
11/14/2018 – At around 6 pm there was an extremely large coyote the size of a 90 lb black lab on Featherhill.
10/28/2018 – 4 coyotes in back yard at Williamsburg off Lexington & Cannon (between Taft & Santiago). The coyotes popped back over the wall onto Mountain Ave when we yelled out the window.
10/25/2018 – Around 8 pm two coyotes on Stratford Circle.
10/25/2018 – Around 8 pm a little coyote was up and down Prado Woods in Villa Park (behind the high school).
10/23/2018 – Coyotes eating avocados chased off front yard at around 11 pm. Came back several times before leaving for good.
10/18/2018 – At 8:30 pm two coyotes were trotting down Cerro Villa Dr. towards Valley Dr.
10/16/2018 – At 7 pm 1 coyote roaming the VPHS track field under renovation while kids are playing youth sports on the adjacent fields.
10/15/2018 – 2 coyotes at Santiago and Center around 10 pm.
10/13/2018 – Coyote at about 7 am running on Lemon above the reservoir in Villa Park. It looked like it had two injured legs.
10/12/2018 – Coyote in driveway around 8:20 pm. 1 block from the greenbelt on Wanda/Katella (Santiago/Villa Park Road).
10/8/2018 – 2 coyotes at Center and Hillcrest @ 9 pm.
9/26/2018 – Young coyote in Villa Park around Taft/Santiago.
9/22/2018 – On Cardinal Circle around 8PM there was a large but skinny coyote in the front yard of a home. He was walking around slowly and was not spooked by car headlights.
9/10/2018 – At night a Chihuahua chased off what appeared to be a young coyote standing on a fence. The coyote returned 3x and stared at the dog before running away. Near Lincoln and Miller.
9/7/2018 – At 7:15 PM a coyote came running out of someone’s backyard and quickly disappeared into a broken drain that is broken. Near Cerro Villa and Mesa.
9/5/2018 – Coyote running out of front yard at midnight on Timothy and Lemon.
8/28/2018 – At night, two coyotes @ Oakfield/Smokewood across from Villa Park High School.
8/27/2018 – Monday morning at 3 am coyotes were heard howling and seen running down Serrano St with a kill. Believed to be a cat.
8/26/2018 – 7:40 pm coyote on Yurok heading towards Shoshone.
8/23/2018 – 6:00 a.m. coyote sighting at Center and Robbie Circle.
7/28/2018 – Coyote in backyard at night of a Featherhill property.
7/18/2018 – 9:00 pm – Coyote on Cerro Villa going up El Rito in Orange.
7/18/2018 – A coyote seen 3 separate times in a yard on Taft throughout the morning/day.
7/18/2018 – 6:30 am – Dogs chased a coyote out of a backyard but not before it got a cat on Modoc.
7/18/2018 – 5:30 am – Coyote in driveway on Jocotal.
6/27/2018 – 5:45 pm – Coyote running across Mesa Drive a few houses off of Cannon onto a front lawn.
6/26/2018 – 7:12 am – Coyote on Lincoln in Villa Park headed out to Wanda. He crossed Wanda (almost got hit by a car) and ran down Hoover.
6/25/2018 – 9:20 pm – Coyote attacked and bit a dog while on a walk near N Modoc Street and E Brookside Ave.
6/25/2018 – 9:10 pm – Coyote sighting on Rama & Valley.
6/2018 – There are reports of mountain lion sightings near VPHS. Possibly the same mountain lion that has been reported for the last several months.
6/10/2018 – 9:30 pm – 10:30 pm – Lemon and Alice, 3 smaller size and were in area for a while.
6/4/2018 – Around 1 am – Coyote at the top of Taft and Yurok. They appear to be hunting and stalking that area.
6/3/2018 – 11:30 pm – 2 coyotes in area of Taft and Modoc and Shoshone and Klamath.
5/23/2018 – 6:55 pm – Large coyote at Cerro Villa and El Rito.
5/22/2018 – 8:35 pm – Coyote on Brookside, between Modoc and Sycamore, with something in its mouth.
5/19/2018 – 10:57 pm – Jocotal & Lemon Saturday night a mountain lion spotted on a Nest cam.
5/3/2018 – Two coyotes running on Prado Woods and Santiago Blvd in Villa Park at 12:20am on Thursday (5/3) morning … Going west first then going east about 10 minutes later.
4/27/2018 – 12:30 am – Coyote trotting around at top of Yurok and Taft in Orange/VP area. From Taft it went up Cannon.
4/22/2018 – Coyote at Sycamore and Santiago…around 6:30 A.M.
4/21/2018 – Coyote running down Mesa Drive in the morning.
4/17/2018 – 2:00 pm – Coyote scavenging on Lincoln near VPE.
4/17/2018 – 8:55 am – Coyote was following a woman and 2 dogs at Laconia and Locust.
4/11/2018 – 9:45 pm – Pack of coyotes on Ludwig & Ridgewood.
3/28/2018 – 8:45 am – Coyote crossing Cannon and South of Loam into Villa Park.
3/20/2018 – Around midnight – Dog found half eaten and mutilated in a front yard. E. Hillcrest.
3/20/2018 – Half eaten pregnant cat found in yard. Oakfield and Smokewood in Villa Park.
3/8/2018 – Around 11:30 am – Coyote sunning itself in the backyard of a home on Canyon Cir.
3/6/2018 – 10 pm – Coyotes corner of Wanda and Lincoln 5 of them 10pm
3/3/2018 – 10:30am – Canyon Crest Dr. Villa Park – Large coyote chased squirrel across backyard patio. Squirrel got away but coyote lingered around for about 10 minutes.
3/1/2018 – Coyote cruising down Loma Street in plain site.
2/18/2018 – 4:45 PM – Two reported sightings. Sighting 1: Two large Coyotes in a backyard on Francisco Dr. that went to the side yard where they jumped a 5-ft fence and ran down Francisco then heading South on Center. Sighting 2: 2 large coyotes spotted in our backyard near VPE.
2/16/2018 – 11:45 PM – A very large coyote came out from side yard on Patrician and ran towards Sterling where there were two more in the street.
2/13/2018 – Small coyote spotted on El Rito around 6:45 PM.
2/13/2018 – Mountain lion spotted on Stacey Lee Lane around 7:30 AM. Dept. of Fish and Wildlife is actively pursuing the mountain lion in order to re-locate. There were also unconfirmed reports of a mountain lion at Lemon and Valley.
2/11/2018 – Mountain lion captured on security camera a 10:45 PM on Sycamore.
2/10/2018 – 7:00 PM – Small Coyote on the corner of Lincoln & Wanda.
2/7/2018 – 7:45 PM – Center and Lincoln VP, Coyote spotted on his way out for a nightly prowl. They seem to like the crosswalks.
2/4/2018 – 10:40 pm – 3 coyotes were seen on the sidewalk on Lincoln at Hastings headed towards Wanda.
2/2/2018 – 10:40 pm – 1 coyote on Lincoln at VPE last Friday right before dark.
2/2/2018 – 7:30 P.M. – Abbott Lane near Center Ave. coyote in front yard.
2/2/2018 – 6:34 AM – Lincoln/Center, Villa Park- coyote heading home after his night feed in the neighborhood. This was not limpy, this was a healthy Coyote with no fear of the car or people. He did show some manners, he used the cross walk leaving the school.
2/2/2018 – 5:45 am two coyotes on Edgewood Villa Park.
2/1/2018 – 2 Coyotes in a back yard that jumped a common fence into another back yard on Sharon Lane.
1/30/2018 – 6:30pm – Coyote sighting at Villa park elementary. It was crossing center dr..
1/29/2018 -5:15 PM – A good size coyote crossed Katella / Villa Park Road, from the Villa Park Elementary side and proceeded up Center. Made a left turn on to Evergreen.
1/20/2018 – Coyote at Center and Francisco in Villa Park at 8:40 pm.
1/16/2018 – 5:30 – 6:15 am two coyotes on Oakfield and Smokewood.
1/14/2018 – 4:10pm. Coyote at Mesa and Cannon in Villa Park.
1/14/2018 – Coyote 7 am on Janice Circle.
1/11/2018 – Coyote sighting by VPE on Lincoln heading towards Wanda around 8 PM.
1/10/2018 – Coyote spotted at 5:15 am on Lemon and Via Bravo in Villa Park.
1/9/2018 – Two coyotes at 5am Tuesday morning on my driveway killed a cat. They came up quickly and grabbed the cat. Approximate location is Lincoln and Orangegrove.
1/5/2018 – A pack of three coyotes, well fed and walking through Yurok/ Shoshone neighborhood at 8:00 am in the morning.
12/23/2017 – In middle of the street during the day.
12/23/2017 @ 6:00am – Canyon Crest Dr. – Cat was sitting by the sliding glass door in a bedroom. A coyote tried to attack the cat through the sliding glass door. It put a hole in the screen, but did not break the glass.
12/22/2017 – Big coyote in backyard of a home around 9 am.
12/21/2017 – Coyote on Oakfield and Smokewood around 7:30 p.m. It jumped a fence into a yard of house that backs up to Cerro Villa Jr High.
12/13/2017 – Crossed Taft, just before Lemon, on way up the hill.
12/2/2017 – 1:30 am, coyote jumped a fence to enter a backyard.
11/30/2017 – 5:30 pm, coyote running down Center in front of VPE towards Villa Park Road.
11/17/2017 – 6:15 am, a coyote about the size of a very large German Shepherd was running west down Santiago, to Sterling and ran down the middle of the street going south towards Patrician.
11/12/2017 – 6:10 PM: Coyote heading up Cerro Villa in the street from Valley. Headed into hillside and then started back down Cerro Villa towards Valley.
11/7/2017 – Coyote near Villa Park Road / Wanda 3:20 pm. Trotting down Prado Woods toward Villa Park Road.
11/2/2017 – Coyote running down Smokewood at 9:30 PM.
10/22/2017 – Coyote killed a dog at Oakfield Drive and Smokewood.
10/5/2017 – Coyote walking down Center towards Abbott Lane.
9/24/2017 – Coyote spotted on Featherhill.
9/23/2017 – Coyote seen at 7:11 am running down Santiago Creek towards Collins and Villa Park.
9/20/2017 – Center and Santiago (repeat sighting).
9/19/2017 – Center and Santiago.
9/19/2017 – 6:15 AM on Fitchen Ranch at Beckley and Tacoma in Villa Park (Wanda/Collins).
9/15/2017 – 5 coyotes in front lawn of a house near Center and Cerro Villa dr.
9/13/2017 – Dead coyote at Lemon and Mesa. Possibly hit by car.
Summer 2017: A very large coyote has been spotted multiple times in the northeast area of Villa Park and is known to have killed at least one dog with several more having been killed by coyotes in the area this summer. Areas included in these sightings are Valley, Rama, Cerro Villa, Loma and Canyon Dr.
8/31/2017 – Large coyote at corner of Cerro Villa and El Rito at 8 PM.
8/23/2017 – 3-5 coyotes were at Lemon and Mesa.
8/22/2017 – 5:45 a.m. Heading East on Lincoln St., Villa Park towards VP Elementary.
8/15/2017 – Big coyote running up the middle of Valley Drive (across from Villa).
8/14/2017 – Valley/Center near Charter, small young coyote around 10:45 AM.
7/9/2017 – Loma Street and Valley Drive, Villa Park CA. Coyote jumped 6 ft + fence into enclosed backyard at around 6:45 am.
7/1/2017 – Coyote at corner of Center /Lincoln moving down Lincoln towards Wanda . Running through front yards on south side of street .
July 2017 – Coyote killed dog in backyard off Rama and attacked another dog within days of each other.
July 2017 – Coyote attacked dog but dog survived.
6/10/2017 – Three gopher snakes (1 dead) on horse trail on Cerro Villa near Rama.
6/2/2017 – 5:25 AM coyote off Shoshone
4/29/2017 – Coyote killed dog in backyard near Cerro Villa and Mesa.
4/15/2017 -Two coyotes on the corner of Valley and Cerro Villa at 7 PM.
10/11/2016 – Large about 50lb coyote at Shoshone and Klamath
8/31/2016 – 7am in front of Villa Park Elementary. Coyote was running down the street and was huge.
OC Animal Control: Coyote Safety Awareness
OC Animal Care Animal Control Officers (ACO) will respond to aggressive, sick, or injured coyotes, as well as coyotes in traffic or those on school grounds or other areas of concern. This is to address immediate public safety concerns and to impound any sick or injured animals.
Requests to remove healthy, non-aggressive coyotes, including proactive trapping of coyotes, is not a service OC Animal Care currently provides.
Requests pertaining to population management of coyotes, trapping, or for the capture of evasive coyotes due to aggressive or habituated behavior, or injured animals, requiring chemical immobilization for capture, are referred to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. Residents, HOAs, or other community groups may hire a private trapper, licensed by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, at their own expense.
California Coyote Hunting Laws
Full provisions are somewhat complicated, consult California Fish and Game Commission for full details.
CDFW §465.5 (g)(1). Immediate Dispatch or Release. All furbearing and nongame mammals (This includes coyotes) that are legal to trap must be immediately killed or released. Unless released, trapped animals shall be killed by shooting where local ordinances, landowners, and safety permit. This regulation does not prohibit employees of federal, state, or local government from using chemical euthanasia to dispatch trapped animals. Trapped animals must be euthanized or released immediately on site. Relocation of trapped wildlife is prohibited.
Coyote Cacher
Report coyote sightings and get coyote sighting alerts with Coyote Cacher by the University of California Cooperative Extension.
For updates on Coyotes in Orange County join the OC Coyote Facebook page.
Coyote sightings can also be reported to the Villa Park City Hall at (714) 998-1500 or email
For instances where immediate responses are necessary contact the OC Animal Care.
Coyote Mating Season
From mid-January to mid-March coyotes are locked in a territorial battle for the right to breed which can mean more aggressive, protective and territorial male coyotes. The gestation period is about 8 weeks. Spay or neuter your pet. Coyotes are attracted to and can mate with unspayed or unneutered domestic dogs. Unspayed female dogs in season will attract male coyotes and unneutered male dogs can be lured away by the scent of a female coyote in her ovulation cycle. Additionally, there have been cases of male dogs being lured by the female coyote’s scent and killed by male coyotes.
Coyote Tips
- Never Feed Coyotes
- Keep pets indoors. Dusk to dawn is when coyotes are most active but they aren’t always nocturnal
- Rodents and rabbits are primary food sources for coyotes. Any action that encourages rodent activity will encourage coyote activity
- Supervise pets in yards
- Never walk your dog off leash
- Keep dogs on short leashes and avoiding using retractable leashes
- Be ever more vigilant during the spring (uprearing season)
- Don’t assume a wall will keep a coyote out. They are great jumpers often scaling 6 feet walls. 8 foot walls are safest
- Coyotes are excellent diggers too so be mindful of areas where they could easily dig
- Ensure your backyard is secure and that there are no holes in fences or gates open
- Think twice about owning livestock, chickens or rabbits. Not only are these animals vulnerable but they also attract coyotes leaving your pets vulnerable too.
- Keep trash securely contained
- Don’t leave food or water out and pick up fallen fruit or standing water
- Secure compost as it’s another source of food for coyotes
- Keep yard free from thick brush or weeds which act as shelter
- Leave noisemakers on hand to scare away coyotes that may enter your yard, such as whistles and horns
- Yell, clap hands, blow a whistle and try to make yourself look larger if you have a close encounter with a coyote.”
- Coyotes have been known to den under decks, shed, in large pipes, and in wood piles
- Residents should inspect their properties to make sure possible den sites are secured and that access to these areas is blocked off
Wild Animals Found in Villa Park
- Bald Eagles
- Bobcat
- Coyote
- Deer
- Humming Birds
- Mountain Lion
- Rabbits
- Racoon
- Skunk
- Snakes
- Turkey Vultures
Bobcats, mountain lions and deer are infrequent to rare sightings. Mountain lions have been spotted in the Villa Park area typically near homes around the Santiago Creek. There have been four mountain lion attacks in Orange County since 1986, with one fatal attack in 2004.