A Villa Park business directory based on recommendations from your neighbors, Villa Park residents. Neighbors are often the best source of knowledge about the best service providers and businesses nearby. The directory is based on Villa Park resident submissions who have used these services and would recommend the business. There is no other way to be added to this list. Inclusion on this list is NOT an endorsement by VillaPark.co. Find your next contractor, gardener or handyman.
Synergy Audio Video Systems
Synergy provides advanced, professional, creative services from integrated design to the finest home technologies.
Youth Coaching
Gary Buckels
Phone: 714.846.0854 (landline, texting does not work)
Gary Buckels is a retired Major League Baseball pitcher who played for the St. Louis Cardinals. Coach Buckels offers pitching and catching lessons in Villa Park and Huntington Beach.
Dog Sitter
Pooch Sitter
Phone: 714.633.4821
Peterkin Electric
Phone: 7144-915-1412
Financial Advisor/401k Advisor
Phil Matheson
(949) 786-4015 x109
Fortino Garcia
Phone: 714-720-9816
Phone: 714-878-1296
Moises Perez
Phone: 714-587-0591
Phone: 562-619-991
Heating & Air Conditioning/HVAC
Right Time Services
Phone: 714-959-5025
Phone: 714-206-3493
Home Swim Instructor
Lasik Eye Surgery
Dr. Tooma
Phone: 877-455-9942
Moving Companies
Anthony’s Moving Service
Phone: 714-490-1100
Horton Renovation & Painting
Phone: 949-295-3069
Pest Control
Villa Hills Pest Control
Phone: 714-265-7788
Mike Morrison
Phone: 714-449-6566
MVP Plumbing, Inc.
Phone: 888-501-9367
Optimum Plumbing Services
Phone: 714-541-4400
Phil St Clair
Phone: 714-403-4565
Shafer Plumbing
Phone: 714-974-9448
Stout Plumbing
Phone: 714-453-8019
Pond/Koi Pond Service/Installation/Repair
Gold N Koi
PO Box 1026 La Habra, CA 90633-1026
Phone: 626-961-0553
Kan Do Ponds
Address: 1679 E. Orangethorpe Ave, Suite 808, Placentia, CA 92811
Phone: 714-993-7663 (POND)
Koi Masters
Phone: 714-812-7101
Terra Scapes
Phone: 714-962-5450
Pool/Spa Maintenance/Repair
Blue Water Pools
Phone: 714-323-7107
Rob Hurley Pools
Phone: 714-397-0146
Victor Flynn
Phone: 714-803-6976
Phone: 714-393-3060
Social Media Management/Reputation Services
Nessie Media Group
Nessie Media Group offers Social Media, Reputation Management, Website Analysis and Content Management, Mobile Strategies, Video Marketing, Traditional Marketing, Email Marketing, and Public Relations.
Tree Service/Trimming
B & J Tree Service
Phone: 714-991-4160
Gruett Tree Service
Phone: 714-731-6909
Vargas Tree Service
Phone: 714-630-5337
Window Washer
Arvelo’s Window Cleaning
Phone: 949-357-9682
Villa Park Residents: Contact Us if you would like to recommend a business be added to this list.
Businesses: If you would like to be added to this list we must receive a recommendation from a Villa Park resident who has used your services. A recommendation does not mean automatic inclusion. We carefully consider all recommendations.