The general property tax in Villa Park, CA is 1% plus about .034% in additional bond taxes. The sales tax in Orange County, CA is 7.75%. Measure S is not included which will begin in fiscal year 2018-2019 and will be about $29 per $100,000 of assessed value.
District | Sales Tax Rate |
California | 7.25% |
Orange County | 0.50% |
Villa Park | 0% |
Total | 7.75% |
Property Tax | Approximate Tax Rate | Per $100,000 Assessed Value |
BASIC LEVY RATE | 1.00% | $1,000.00 |
RANCHO COMMUNITY COLLEGE * | 0.03013% | $10.95 |
METRO WATER D-MWDOC | 0.004% | $3.50 |
Total | 1.034% | $1,034.13 |
Measure S * | 0.029% | $29.00 |
Total with Measure S * | 1.063% | $1,063.13 |
Rancho CC includes the following bonds: RSCCD 2002BOND 2006C (0.01095%), RSCCD 2002BOND 2003A (0.01074%), RSCCD 2002 SR 2005B (0.00466%), RSCCD 2012 GO REF (0.00428%%).
Above property tax rates are estimates only. Always verify actual tax rates.
The taxable value is equal to the assessed value minus exemptions.
Special Assessment Charges | Assessment Charge |
Mosquito, Fire Ant Assessment | $6.72 |
Vector Control Charge | $1.92 |
MWD Water Stby charge | $10.08 |
Sewer Maintenance Charge | $193.80 |
OCSD Sewer User Fee | $331.00 |
Total | $543.52 |
Orange County Property Tax Search
Explanation of Special Assessment Charges on Property Tax Bill
Mosquito, Fire Ant Assessment – Orange County Vector Control District (OCVCD) has two special assessments (2nd below) in order to provide services to vectors. “A vector is any insect or arthropod rodent or other animal of public health significance capable of harboring or transmitting the causative agents of human disease, or capable of causing human
discomfort or disease.” Vector examples include mosquitoes, rats, red fire ants, flies, ticks etc. Both OCVCD assessments are fixed per residential property fee.
Vector Control Charge – See above.
MWD Water Standby Charge – aka Readiness-to-Serve (RTS) charge, this is a fixed charge to fund reliability of MET’s imported water system. The costs of providing standby service, such as emergency storage capacity, standby services for conveyance, distribution, and aqueduct services are recovered by the RTS. The Standby Charge collections within MWDOC are typically per parcel or per acre for parcels greater than an acre.
Sewer Maintenance Charge – Residential properties are charges a flat rate fee by the City of Villa Park.
OCSD Sewer User Fee – The sewer service fee is for the collection, treatment, and disposal of your wastewater (sewage). It is a fee, not a tax, because it is based upon the average use of the
sewage system and not on the value of the property. Residential properties, including condominiums and townhomes, are charged a flat rate.
Contact the phone number listed next to the charge for additional detail on each special assessment.
Explanation of Bonds
Measure E
Property Tax Statement Description: RSCCD 2002BOND 2006C, RSCCD 2002BOND 2003A, RSCCD 2002 SR 2005B
Bond Description: Voter approved in 2002, $337 million general obligation bonds to renovate existing campus buildings and construct new classrooms to alleviate over crowding and expand the educational and training programs at Rancho Santiago Community district schools.
Measure Q
Property Tax Statement Description: RSCCD 2012 GO REF
Bond Description: Voter approved in 2012, a $198 million general obligation bonds to finance renovation, repair and construction at Santa Ana College.
Measure S – Begins Fiscal Year 2018-2019 *
Bond Description: Voter approved in 2016, a $288,000,000 bond to repair and modernize 4 high schools in the Orange Unified School district. The high schools are Villa Park, Canyon, Foothill and Orange.
Property owners within the district will pay $29 per $100,000 of assessed value (not market value) annually over about 30 years. The assessed valuation begins fiscal year 2017-18 (the county’s fiscal year begins July 1).
1st bond issuance occurred June 2018 for $188 million. The second and final bond issuance is expected to occur in 2020 for the remaining $100 million of $288 million approved.
Municipal Water District of Orange County (MWDOC)
MET has authority to levy ad valorem property taxes as needed to pay its outstanding general obligation bonds and State Water Contract payments. The MET tax rate for the past three years has been 0.0035 percent of assessed valuation. This tax has been decreasing, and will continue to decrease, as bonds are retired.
There is also an additional tax for parcels greater than one acre (typically $10.09 per parcel or per acre for parcels great than an acre.
Mello Roos
There are no Mello Roos taxes in Villa Park.
California Property Tax Benefit – Proposition 13
General levy property tax increases are limited to an annual inflation factor of no more than 2% of assessed value. For instance, if a home increases in assessed value by 10% year over year the assessed value will be taxed at no more than 2%. This does not apply when there is a change of ownership where the property value will be re-assessed at market value.
How New Tax Law Will Impact You
Property Tax – Homeowners are now capped at deducting $10,000 in property taxes ($5,000 for couples filing separately), including state and local income taxes and sales taxes.
Mortgage Interest – Taxpayers with mortgages taken out on or after Dec. 15, 2017, can deduct interest on mortgage debt that totals up to $750,000 (or $375,000 for married couples filing separate returns). Under prior tax law, these limits were higher: $1 million and $500,000, respectively. Taxpayers with mortgages taken out before Dec. 15, 2017, can continue to deduct interest on the higher amounts of mortgage debt.
Home Equity – The home equity interest tax deduction has been eliminated with the new plan.
Moving Expenses – Previously, qualified homeowners could deduct moving expenses for relocating to a new job. Now, active duty members of the US Armed Forces can use this deduction.
Orange County Property Tax Due Dates
- The full amount may be paid on or before December 10 OR:
- Pay in two equal installments:
- First Installment of tax is due and payable on November .
- Delinquent after December 10.
- A 10% penalty is added to unpaid accounts thereafter.
- Second Installment of tax is due February 1.
- Delinquent after April 10.
- A 10% penalty is added to unpaid accounts thereafter, plus cost of $23 per bill.
- If taxes and penalties are not paid by July 1, additional penalties will accrue.
- First Installment of tax is due and payable on November .
- If December 10 or April 10 falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, the last day for paying without penalties is on the next business day, and delinquent after that day.
- Visit the OC Tresurer-Tax Collector for additional information.
Where Orange County Property Taxes Go
- 10% – Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Funds
- 11% – Special Districts
- 6% – Orange County – Includes 1% for OC Public Libraries
- 11% – OC Cities
- 62% – Schools
California Income Taxes
California has the highest statewide sales tax rate at 7.25%
California has the highest personal income tax rate on those making $53,000 – $269,000 at 9.3% and 13.3% for those making over $1 million.
California Gas Tax
Motorist pay about about 70 cents in taxes on gas in California. Actual gas tax varies because sales tax is calculated from the current price of gas which fluctuates.
- 2.25% – Sales Tax (one of six states that charge a sales tax on gas)
- 13% – Diesel sales tax (increased from 9%)
- 2 cents/gallon – Underground tank storage fee paid by most gas stations
- 51.1 cents/gallon primary and second California excise taxes
- 18.4 cents/gallon – Federal tax
- Electric car owners will pay a $100 annual fee starting in 2020
Hidden Gas Taxes – Oil suppliers also pay taxes imposed by California Air Resources Board (CARB) to fight greenhouses gases which are then passed on to consumers. 11 cents gas/13 cents diesel.
Gas, diesel gas and vehicle registration fees increase every year on July 1 as part of an inflation adjustment. This is part of California Senate Bill 1 (SB1) which was passed in 2017.
Additional California Taxes:
- $2/pack – Tobacco Tax
- Alcohol Tax
- $.20/gallon beer & wine
- $3.30/gallon liquor
- 15% Cannabis Tax (does not include local & cultivator taxes)
Additional taxes include:
- Electricity/Natural Gas Tax
- Cable Tax
- Landline Tax
- Business License Tax
- Transient Occupancy Tax
- Cellphone Tax
- Tire Fee
- Lumber Assessment
- Electronic Waste Recycling Fee
- Lead Acid Battery Free
- Lead Poisoning Prevention Fees
- Water Rights Fee
Find the full list of California Special Taxes & Fees.
Rates above do not include federal, local and supplier taxes.