The Villa Park Dry Land Boat Parade will held on Sunday, December 15, 2024. The parade will start at 5:00 PM and follow a route to the Villa Park Town Center. The theme of this year’s event will has yet to be announced.
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Dry Land Boat Parade Details
- Registration forms are available online or at the VP City Hall.
- The parade map can also be found at the VPCSF website.
- Rain or shine the event will take place.
- Best Overall
- Most Original
- Most Joyful
- Best Youth Group (18 and under)
- Best Use of Lights
Parade Route
- Start on Taft from Villa Park High School
- Left on Center
- Right on Serrano
- Right on Lemon
- Left on Taft
- Right on Ludwig
- Left on Santiago
- Right on Patrician
- Left on Ballet
- Right on Marion
- Right on Carmel
- Left on Durfee
- Right on Lemon
- Left on Santiago
- Left on Center
- Right on Francisco
- Left on Vida
- Right on Fernando
- Right on Laconia
- Left on Aberdeen
- Right on Providence
- Right on Lincoln
- Left on Center
- Left on Santiago
- Right on Santiago
- Right on Taft
- End at Villa Park High School
Download the PDF Parade Map and Route.
There will be NO celebration in the Town Center after the parade.
About the Dry Land Boat Parade
The dry land boat parade is an asphalt harbor tour where 50 + vessels travel through Villa Park. Along the way there are neighborhood parties and kids lined up eagerly waiting for candy to be tossed overboard. There is a grand marshall each year and even quirky annual themes like Yachts and Yachts of Holiday Fun.
The parade ultimately ends up docking at the Villa Park Towne Centre where a large crowd awaits including the VPHS marching band. At the Towne Centre there are tree lighting and awards ceremonies with trophies for categories such as best overall, most artistic or most whimsical. Food booths are on hand as well as retail vendors with items for sale. It all goes to a good cause though as the retail vendors donate a percentage of sales to the VPCS Foundation, a 501C3.
Where to Watch the Dry Land Boat Parade
There are several spots where you can bring folding chairs and watch the parade go by should the parade not go by your house. Here are few spots but by no means a complete list.
Lemon Street – There is a wide walking trail perfect along this part of the parade route.
Villa Park Elementary – The parade goes by VPE twice and there are plenty of places for folding chairs and blankets.
Boat Parade Origin
The first Dry Land Boat Parade was held in December 1982 but the initial idea came from a group of VPHS teenagers the year prior. In 1981, five teens wanted to start a high school club and as somewhat of a joke came up with a yacht club even though none of them, nor their parents, owned a boat. A constitution, teacher sponsor and approval from the student senate quickly yielded them a yacht club with $400 and a page in the VPHS yearbook, The Odyssey.
A year later, one of the boys father’s, Chuck Beesley expanded on the idea at the Women’s League Christmas dance at the Disneyland Hotel. The first year there were about 15 to 20 boats and 75 the next. NBC News even carried the first event live across the Western United States and it has been a Villa Park tradition ever since. However, soon the parade faded and ceased from being an annual event until in 1998 the parade was rekindled and has been an annual tradition ever since.
“Boat” Participants
A “boat” may be defined as anything that can be towed or driven at up to a speed of 5 mph. Typically there all are forms of decorated boats and wheeled transports such as golf carts, Segways, trucks, classic cars, surfboards, kayaks, jet skis and many more creative vehicles.
Past Trophies Have Included:
Best Youth Yacht
Most Whimsical
Best Holiday Spirit
Best Use of Lights
Most Artistic
Most Interactive
Most Original
Best Use of Theme
Best Animation
Best Overall
Rich Freschi Award: Life in Villa Park.
The Dry Land Boat Parade is organized by the Villa Park Community Service Foundation.
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