The Villa Park Women’s League (VPWL) provides support, friendship and a focus for the citizens of Villa Park. They promote safety, education, beautification and cultural enrichment within the City.

Some of the activities include book clubs, home tours, bridge groups, bunco nights, pickleball, couples gourmet, stitchery, a holiday dance and even a Villa Park Moms Group for moms of kids ages 0 – 5.
Philanthropic activities include awarding merit based scholarships to students residing in Villa Park. The Villa Park Women’s League welcomes all women residing in Villa Park.
New Membership
To join (or re-join if you are not a current member), simply print the Membership Form , and send the completed form with a $75 check, payable to VPWL, to VPWL, 17855 Santiago Blvd., Villa Park 92861. If you prefer to make a payment via PayPal (or with a credit card within PayPal), please use the online payment feature found at the bottom of this page. Enter your name, select General Membership Dues $75 and press the yellow Pay Now button. You will need to fill out the Membership Form but you can submit it electronically once it is filled out.
Renewing members do not need to submit the Membership Form unless there are changes to their Roster information.
VP Mom & Tots Play Group
The Villa Park Moms & Tots playgroup is for all moms of kids ages 0 to 5.
General Meetings
Book Clubs
A once a month group discussion with the “Book Browsers” and/or “The Literary Ladies Of The Evening”.
Bridge Groups
This group is dedicated to keeping the card game and a fantastic social atmosphere alive. For beginners, young, old, shy, single or couples. Groups include Bridge Couples and Bridge Ladies Evening Party plus a Bridge Ladies Tournament.
Groups play a simple dice game with a potluck, drinks & overall fun time! There is one daytime group and three evening groups to join.
Couples Gourmet
Couples meet from October to June and cook amazing dinner dishes expertly selected by the lead. Dinners are brought to several hosts’ homes, and then socialize and celebrate!
Share projects and techniques. Take the art of stitchery to the next level with fun and laughter amongst other novice and advanced stitchers with the same passion for creation.
Secret Angels
Embark on selfless acts for our local community needs, whether it is spiritual, emotional, physical, or just plain social.
Petal Pushers
Meet fellow green thumbers at a once a month gathering. Get new and exciting growing tips from expert horticultural speakers, tour local botanical gardens, share ideas and learn some new ones.
Mah Jong
Join other single or widowed women in events aimed for one goal…A Good Time!
Play doubles or singles on a small court with a low net, paddles and whiffle balls.
Oil Painting Group
Go to art exhibits, museums, and maybe getting local artists for demos.
Virtual Travelers
Meet once a month, research and then meet via Zoom to discuss up to two destinations, focusing on their geographic location, history, cultural importance, main attractions and interesting facts.
More Activities
- Around Town
- Silver Slippers
- Spite and Malice
- Mah Jong
Reasons to Join a Women’s Social League
- Widen your social circle
- Pursue your hobbies
- Friendship
- Opportunity to serve
- Fun and entertainment
- Something to look forward to
- Provides a break from a normal routine
- Engage in lifelong learning and fun