The Villa Park Neighborhood Watch is a crime prevention program which enlists the active participation of residents in cooperation with OCSD to reduce crime in their communities.
Here are the most recent Villa Park Neighborhood Watch Bulletin updates.

It involves neighbors getting to know each other and working together in a program of mutual assistance. Residents are trained to recognize and report suspicious activities, and can then implement crime prevention techniques such as residential and vehicle security, and personal safety into their neighborhoods.
- Neighborhood Watch does not require frequent or elaborate meetings
- It does not ask that anyone take any personal risks to prevent crime
- Law enforcement personnel will attend your meetings to answer questions about crime in your community and provide valuable information on how the Sheriff’s Department works
Neighborhood Watch meetings can cover such topics as home security, personal safety, identity theft, disaster preparedness and any other topics that your neighborhood may be interested in.
Villa Park Dog Walker Watch (DWW)
Villa Park also has a dog walker watch program, a program developed by the National Association of Town Watch, the organization that brought National Night Out to communities across the country. Dog Walker Watch is a way for residents and their four-legged friends to help local law enforcement as extra ears and eyes, identifying and reporting suspicious activity in neighborhoods while out walking their dogs
DWW participants simply serve as extra eyes and ears for OCSD as they walk in their neighborhoods, by calling OCSD dispatch center if they observe suspicious or unusual situations, persons or activities in their neighborhoods. Neighbors know neighbors’ vehicles, patterns, family members, etc. and can best recognize when something is amiss. No other obligation…and a dog isn’t even required.
The program encourages these neighbors to be more aware of their surroundings by noting unusual circumstances, suspicious vehicles or persons not typical for the area, unattended open doors, garages, gates, etc. and promptly notifying Orange County Sheriff’s Dispatch Office, 714-647-7000.
For more information on Neighborhood Watch in your area, please contact the City of Villa Park at (714) 998-1500 or send an email to the City of Villa Park.