Villa Park Knowles is a strip of land on the east side of Wanda Road between Lincoln Street and Villa Park Road. The area was converted to a lush greenspace and pathway with native plants, benches, exercise equipment, and a dog station. The landscaping was also improved at other end of the street corner at Wanda Road and Collins Avenue.

Groundbreaking for the Villa Park Knowles Project was on November 1, 2021 with and the dedication took play on June 29, 2022. The walking path is made of decomposed granite and the path is surrounded by plant life including wildflowers, succulents, fruit trees, and native shrubbery. There is also signage erected along the path with vintage art reflecting the city’s roots in citrus farming.
Location: North Wanda Rd, Villa Park, CA 92861; On North Wanda Road extending from Villa Park Rd. to Collins Avenue.
The main crossroads are Katella Ave/Villa Park Rd and Wanda Rd. Exit the 55 freeway at Katella and go about one mile East to get there. Jamboree Rd or the 241 toll road at the Chapman Ave exit will also lead you to the greenbelt.
The Santiago Creek Bike Trail (SCBT) leads directly to this area. Starting from Grijalva Park travel the SCBT to Collins Ave and Wanda Rd trail exit and take the wide path down Wanda Rd. At the other end of the block is Villa Park Knowles.

Villa Park Knowles Features
- Decomposed granite walking path
- Fitness Stations (horizontal bars, parallel bars, core bench)
- Benches
- Dog waste stations
- Plant life
- Shrubs: Agave Americana, Agave Attenuata, Dendromecon Harfordii, Elymus Condensatus, Hesperaloe Parviflora, Muhlenbergia Capillaris, Rhus Ovata, Salvia Clevlandii
- Seed: Wildflower mix
- Ground Cover: Acacia Redolens, Sencio Serpens, Tradescantia Pallida
- Gravel: Decomposed granite as mulch (located at monument signs)
- Signage reflecting City’s history

Mike Knowles
Villa Park Knowles is named in honor of Mike Knowles in honor of over thirty years of service to the city of Villa Park. As maintenance supervisor, Knowles worked with countless residents, city organizations, and nonprofits to keep Villa Park in amazing condition. The groundbreaking of the project was held on Mr. Knowles’ 64th birthday. City Manager Steve Franks is expected to install a plaque for Mike Knowles along the greenbelt as well, honoring him as “the unofficial mayor of the city”.

Funding for the Villa Park Knowles project included $80,000 of city funds, grant money, and a donation from the Villa Park Community Services Foundation.
The property where Villa Park Knowles is located was originally purchased for 37 cents per square foot, back when Councilmembers/Mayors Wayne Silzel and John Frackelton served on council.
Here is a look at the plans for the Villa Park Knowles Project, and a collection of the plant life you’ll see in the new and improved greenspace!