Community service and non-profit organizations that serve Villa Park and provide an opportunity for Villa Park residents to volunteer and participate in community events and activities. Find contact information and links to the organization’s websites.

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Friends of Villa Park Library
About: The FOVPL works with the Orange County Public Library System to strengthen and maintain a viable public library in Villa Park by raising funds, public awareness and appreciation for the the library and the resources and programs it provides to the community.
Rotary Club of Villa Park
About: Rotary club members represent a cross-section of the community’s business and professional men and women. They meet weekly and provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build goodwill and peace in the world. They also support programs for youth, educational opportunities and international exchanges for students, teachers, and other professionals, and vocational and career development.
Villa Park Community Service Foundation
About: VPCSF is a charitable, non-profit organization that is committed to planning, underwriting and presenting safe recreational and educational activities for youth, adults, and seniors. Activities include the outdoor concerts, the Memorial Day weekend family picnic, the 4th of July parade, Free Concert in the (Villa) Park, Halloween Fest, the Santa Tour on a fire truck and the Dry Land Boat Parade.
Villa Park Women’s League
About: VPWL provides support, friendship and a focus for the citizens of Villa Park. They promote safety, education, beautification and cultural enrichment within the City. Some of the activities include book clubs, home tours, bridge groups, bunco nights, couples gourmet, stitchery, a holiday dance and even a Moms & Tots group for moms of kids ages 0-5. Philanthropic activities include awarding merit based scholarships to students residing in Villa Park. The Villa Park Women’s League welcomes all women residing in Villa Park.
- VP Mom & Tots Play Group
- Book Clubs
- Book Browsers
- Literary Ladies of the Evening
- Bridge Groups
- Bridge Couples
- Bridge Ladies Evening Party
- Bridge Ladies Tournament
- Bunco
- Bunco Daytime
- Bunco Evening 1
- Bunco Evening 2
- Bunco Evening 3
- Couples Gourmet
- Stitchery
- Secret Angels
- Petal Pushers
- Mah Jong
- Solos
- Around Town
- Silver Slippers
- Spite and Malice
- Pickleball
- Oil Painting Group
Choc Children’s Hospital / Jack & Jill Guild
About: The Jack & Jill Guild is fundraising guild to Choc Children’s hospital and supports the Diagnostic Imaging/Radiology Department because it plays a critical role in the diagnosis and treatment of the majority of patients seen at CHOC. Many Villa Park residents participate in Jack & Jill for both the charitable fundraising and the friendships that are developed.
Annual Fundraisers Include:
- Home Tour & Gift Boutique
- Golf Tournament
- Spring Fundraiser
- CHOC Walk