The first skate park since the Big O Skate Park and Vans at the Outlets is coming to the City of Orange at Grijalva Park. The Orange City Council has unanimously approved plans to fund and construct a place to skate on undeveloped land at Grijalva Park.
Construction of the 11,500-square-foot skate park and a restroom facility is estimated to cost around $1.5 million. Funding is coming from the Irvine Company’s park in-lieu fees, previously dedicated to Grijalva Park as part of its Santiago Hills II development in east Orange. Contenders Board Shop has also raised approximately $28,000 towards the skate park project primarily through setting aside $5 from every shoe sale, online and in store.
Grijalva Skate Park Location
The skate park will be located on undeveloped land in the southwest corner of the park, across the road from the exercise circuit. Previously the plan was to have the skate park in an adjacent spot that used to be a landfill but concerns about the ability to build on the landfill arose. Under the new plan, the aquatic center has been removed, the library/senior center was relocated south of the Sports Center, and the skatepark is now planned for where the aquatic center was previously planned, outside of the landfill footprint.
Additionally, the City of Orange is exploring adding pickleball courts on the landfill area, if there are enough funds to do both.
Grijalva Park Background
The City owns 42 acres of land known as Grijalva Park at Santiago Creek. The land is located in the northwest corner of the intersection of Prospect Street and Spring Street with the Santiago Creek forming the western edge of the property. The first 15 acres were developed into a park with lighted soccer fields in 2002. A conceptual Master Plan was finalized in 2005 for the western 27 acres, commonly referred to as the “Grijalva Park Extension.”
Environmental Impact Review and Conceptual Design
The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Subsequent Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) No. 1753-05 of the Grijalva Park Extension Masterplan was approved in 2005 and included a 10,000 square foot skatepark built over the existing landfill. Staff reviewed the 2005 MND for the Grijalva Park Masterplan with the City Attorney’s office. Considering the slight change in skatepark location and size, the City Attorney’s Office found the differences in lighting, noise, traffic, parking, and operations minimal and insignificant and, therefore, do not merit any additional formal environmental analysis or technical memo.
Costs and Funding
In 2022, MIG Landscape Architects (MIG) provided an updated Opinion of Probable Costs for the entire Grijalva Park Master Plan Update. The total cost for an 11,500 square foot skate park at $80/sf and a 4-stall prefabricated restroom is estimated to be $1.77m. It is estimated that design services could cost between $100,000-$140,000.
Staff have researched several state and federal grant funding opportunities. It was determined that the skatepark project was ineligible for these grants for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to, inadequate population limits, this type of project does not align with grant requirements, and/or it does not meet income levels. Now that the City has an approved agreement with Townsend Public Affairs, staff will engage them to continue to identify and pursue other potential grant funding opportunities.
The City of Orange is partnering with Grindline to design a brand new cast-in-place concrete skatepark at Grijalva Park.
Development of the skatepark and its adjacent amenities from the original masterplan, including a prefabricated restroom and seating, should consider the possibility that additional environmental review could be required depending on funding sources (such as a National Environmental Protection Act review required when federal funding is involved). In addition, planning for the site should consider existing programing at the site, which currently includes field and facility rentals, open gym, special events, and general park use.